The vision of Allentown H.O.P.E. Community Church (HOPE) is to become a House of Prayer and Exultation for the joy of all peoples. HOPE is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in life-giving community. We believe in cultivating and pursuing the corporate presence of God so that people can have authentic encounters with Christ through the power of the Sprit and the Word, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
Latest Sermon
Series:A House of Prayer
Title:The Hope of the Righteous
Speaker: Emmanuel Suarez
Title:The Hope of the Righteous
Speaker: Emmanuel Suarez

Adult Sunday School
We have our Adult Sunday School every Sunday at 10am. Our goal is to teach the body of Christ basic principles of interpreting the Scriptures in order to discover the knowledge of God. Our approach is to focus on a book of the bible and take time to walk through that book implementing the techniques and methodologies taught in the class. If you would like to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, consider joining us.
Sunday Morning Corporate Prayer
We gather every Sunday morning at 11am for a strategic time of corporate prayer to prepare our hearts and to invite the Holy Spirit to have His way in our service . Individuals who feel led to pray are encouraged to raise their voice and pray as the others listen in respectful agreement.

Sunday Morning Worship Service
Join us every Sunday at 11:30am for our Morning Worship service. We are a people who delight to praise and worship the greatness of our God through the means of singing songs and declaring His praise. So if you are looking for a church and are hungry to worship God freely, come out and visit us.
Thursday Bible Study & Prayer
We gather every Thursday from 7pm to 9:30pm for a time of in-depth bible study followed by a time of worship and intercession. We believe that Thursday nights are the heart of HOPE church . We gather to learn from God's word and to seek a greater measure of the Lord 's manifested presence in our midst for the benefit of His church and the glory of Jesus Christ. So if you are hungry for more of the presence of God, come out and join us.

Service Times
Adult Sunday School
10:00 am
Sunday Corporate Prayer
Sunday Worship Service
Thursday Bible Study & Prayer
11:00 am
11:30 am
7:00 pm